-: Orphanage Shahpur :-
Padhar Hospital tries to keep upright a close relationship to the Orphanage in Shahpur. It has been founded in 1994 and today it gives a home to 42 children – mainly girls – who have been abandoned by their families.
The situation in the orphanage is very poor and sad. The children don’t have much to eat nor many clothes or toys. There are no maids or youth workers who could help the children in their daily life. Everything has to be done and organised by the children themselves e.g. preparing food, doing homework and giving each other strength to life.
Mr. Singh and his wife live nearby and are the only adults who look seriously after the children.
The children go to school in the Hindi and English Medium School in the village of Shahpur.
Sometimes visitors of Padhar Hospital visit the orphanage and provide big meals for all; recently the 30 year old mattresses on which the children used to sleep have been removed and new beds have been donated by kind people from Australia.
The lack of financial resources is a daily challenge for the children. With the help of new donors we would be able to give more rich and healthy food to the kids, buy new clothes, engage a care worker and renovate the very old orphanage building.
If you are interested in supporting the orphans or donate some money to this project, please contact the administrators of Padhar Hospital who will do everything regarding communication and the planning: padharhospital@gmail.com